Shadow Yoga

at green Monday studios, carlton

Regular classes

  • sunday and monday evenings

  • wednesday mornings

workshops, intensives, retreats

8 Week Summer Shadow Yoga Program

February 2 - April 2

  • 3 Classes a week to choose from

  • come once or twice a week or three times if you are really keen

  • flexibility between classes

Sundays 5.30 - 7PM

Mondays 6 - 7.30PM

Wednesdays 6.30 - 8AM

I am pleased to offer a new class time this year SUNDAYS 5.30 - 7PM at the beautiful Green Monday Studios.

This 8 week Summer Shadow Yoga Program focuses on the development of full practice traditional yoga Sadhana (a daily practice to attain knowledge or designed goal or spiritual development) as taught by my teachers Sundernath and Emma Balnaves founders of Shadow Yoga. 

Every class utilises Charanas (churnings or warmups), a Prelude form (standing sequences) and Asanas (seats that bring awareness to the elements, marmas, chakras, vayus and nadis). You will also be introduced to invocations and pranams, bandahs and kriyas. 

Repetition and incremental learning is used to help the student be more confident in doing a yoga practice in their own time and space as this is where the magic happens.

*No classes Labour Day Long Weekend

1class a week for 8 weeks

  • $240 full/$160 Concession

2 classes a week for 8weeks

  • $400 full/$240 Concession

3 Classes a week for 8 weeks

  • $600 full/$360 Concession

Weekly classes - 8 week programs

Weekly classes are run in 8 week blocks. Classes are run inline with the Victorian State school terms.Workshops and intensives are run between terms 3-4 times each year.

The 8 week term classes focus on the development of full practice traditional yoga Sadhana (a daily practice to attain knowledge or designed goal or spiritual development) as taught by my teachers Sundernath and Emma Balnaves founders of Shadow Yoga.

Every class utilises Charanas (churnings or warmups), a Prelude form (standing sequences) and Asanas (seats that bring awareness to the elements, marmas, chakras, vayus and nadis). You will also be introduced to invocations and pranams, bandahs and kriyas.

Repetition and incremental learning is used to help the student be more confident in doing a yoga practice in their own time and space as this is where the magic happens.

Classes are taught in an inclusive environment.  There are no levels and all bodies and life stages are welcome. As Sundernath says ‘yoga is for anyone who has an interest in yoga’.

You are encouraged to sign up for the term as weekly classes enable you to build on what you learnt the week before. However, reality for some makes this impossible and so single classes are also available.

Tiered pricing, concession rate for hardship, student, un or under employed, yoga teachers. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if more financial support is required.

2025 dates and class times

Summer Workshop: 3 Mornings 6.30 - 8AM - January 21 -23

summer Program : February 2 - April 2

Autumn Equinox New Moon Yoga and Breath Workshop Saturday 29 March 5-7PM

Autumn 3 Day Intensive: 3 Evenings 6 - 7.30PM - April 7, 8, 9

Autumn Program: April 28 - June 29

Winter Solstice Yoga and Breath Workshop Saturday 21 June 5-7PM

Winter Weekend Workshops: 2 Weekends, July 5&6 2 classes a day, 7-9AM & 4-6PM  July 12&13, 2 classes a day, 7-9AM & 4-6PM 

Winter Program: July21- September 14

Spring Intensive: 3 Mornings 6.30-8AM - September 16, 17, 18

Spring Equinox Yoga and Breath Workshop Tuesday 23 September 6.30 - 9AM

Spring Program: October 6 - Nov 30

Summer Social classes: Dec 1- 21

Summer Solstice Yoga and Breath Workshop Sunday 21 December 5 - 7.30PM

All Classes held at Green Monday Studio, Carlton

The old Mangala studios, a community focused space hosting a range of yoga, dance and art practices.

Concession rate for hardship, student, un or under employed, yoga teachers. Please do not not hesitate to get in touch if you require further financial assistance.

Classes are open to all, no experience necessary, email or call me for more information.

Cash is always welcome. Just bring exact money to whichever class you wish to attend!