Winter Wisdom - build your fire
As we passed through the Winter Solstice this term, we have made space for quietude and reflection in class and cherished this time of respite. Hopefully, seeds have been planted that if nurtured will grow abundant, and feed us through the coming, spring and summer months. Just like the studio garlic that was sown on the solstice. If the earth is well tilled, much will grow with ease.
Thank you to all those who attended our night of music and yoga with Aarti and Seth. It was great for our small community to get together for something different, to find our voice individually and as one, to make some new connections and try something new. I feel this has brought some cohesion into our classes and I hope to do more of this in the future. Who's up for a retreat?!!
Join us for three mornings in the school holidays to get a feeling of what a daily practice feels like. The classes run for an hour so you will be home in time for breakfast! For those who balk at doing something so early in the morning, particularly in the middle of winter, the feedback I usually get is how energised people feel for the rest of the day! Make some space for yourself, give up a little bit of sleep and feel the real benefits of doing this Shadow Yoga practice at a time when the energy is good and you are empty. You never know it might be the start of something.
Hitting a knot and unravelling.
Radhasri, a Shadow Yoga teacher in Montreal has been writing some really good articles on Yoga this year. If you haven't been following her on Medium, a blog spot, I highly recommend that you do. Her most recent article on pain you may find quite confronting but it reiterates what I'm slowly and quietly expressing to you in class all the time. Follow this link to read all of Radhasri's articles
Term 3
July 16 - September 14
Term 3 starts Monday 16 July
and will run for 9 weeks. I will still be offering 6 classes per week to give all my current students that flexibility and choice, however, it would be great to get some extra students, particularly in the evening classes. So, please forward and share this email on to anyone you may know. New students are welcome in any of the classes apart from Tuesday and Thursday 6am. The Tuesday and Thursday 6am classes are best joined after some experience in the other classes that run for an extra 1/2 hour. For new students this can take anywhere between 4 classes to a couple of terms as every body is different! Please see the timetable below.