Moving into Autumn
This is an exciting term for our small yoga community. The new classes have been going well with quite a few new students and some regulars making the most of the flexibility. Both classes will continue next term. Please feel free to attend any of the classes on offer to make up any classes you have missed or just to try out a different time. The morning and the night classes have quite a different feel and sometimes it might be just what you need. The early morning 6am classes might seem a little daunting to some of you but believe me you will really benefit from practising at this hour. These classes also help for those wishing to further develop a home practice.
To help us through the coming cooler months I also have some exciting news of a special event in class this term. Aarti Jadu a very talented and exceptional musician who specialises in devotional music will be with us for a yoga class on Thursday 31st May. This class you will experience some music for yoga, a sound bath and be led through some chanting. This class will be open to everyone enrolled at the school, but also to the wider community. Please put this date in your diary now and look out for the flyers in class and spread the word among your friends. It will be a night not to be missed.
I am also planning a special class for Winter Solstice this year, Thursday 21st June, such a lovely energy around this day as the we mark the shortest day. Expect lanterns, laughter, music and a very gentle yoga practice! And children are welcome. Stay tuned...
In class this term we will be back focusing on the first prelude, Balakrama and the linear morning practice with a particular focus on Mayurasana. Mayurasana builds our internal fire, supporting our digestion and lungs. As Autumn is the season of the lungs and large intestine it is the perfect time for Mayura! So come to class empty to get the most out of it, rise to the challenge Mayura often brings and rest easy in the knowledge that you will be really prepared for the winter months, the coughs and colds and the closing in of the yin energy.
See you in class!
Term 2 Timetable
Monday mornings 9.15am– 10.45am – Prelude class
Monday evenings 7.00pm – 8.30pm – Back to Basics
Tuesday mornings 6.00am – 7.00am – Led practice
Thursday mornings 6.00am – 7.00am – Prelude flow
Thursday evenings 7.00pm – 8.30pm – Back to Basics
Friday mornings 9.15am – 10.45am – Prelude class