Yoga Yamabushi

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Spring’s Song - Time to move

Slowly but surely we have moved into Spring after another bleak Melbourne winter. Now is the time to embrace change, start something new or give up something you don’t really need. It is also a great time to start yoga. We wish to extend a warm welcome to our new students and hope you enjoy this inspiring practice.

In Chinese medicine Spring is the time of the liver and gall bladder.  These organs may become sluggish over Winter, so if you have been considering a cleanse or detox now is the time to start. This can be as simple as cutting out stimulants like coffee, tea, alcohol and sugar, or reducing your consumption of white flour, fried, processed and fatty foods. A more challenging detox could involve cutting out all of the above and sticking to a diet of fresh vegetables and a little fruit. It is often easier to let go of these things this time of the year as Spring is naturally energising and abundant. Embrace this opportunity to give your mind and body a rest before the excesses and celebrations of summer.

Most of you are trying our latest yoga challenge. This is a really great way to keep practicing throughout the holidays. As we increase the warm-ups by 8 rotations, working up to 48 or to your own limit remember to watch your mind and the excuses that arise.  Also remember not to push past your own limit but have fun and rise to the challenge.  This will stand you in good stead for next term.

In class for Term 4

Mondays and Fridays

  • Introduction to the third prelude Karttikeya Mandalam - to increase our understanding of how the energy works in our legs and to build some length in our breath.


  • Back to basics with the first prelude: Balakrama.  For those with more experience this class keeps your foundations strong.  As this is an evening class we make time for a nice long savasana. 


  • For those with a good foundation from the other classes.  A clear, simple  linear practice that suits the early hour.  Less talking and more focus on the rhythm of the breath to help with the development of your home practice. 

These holidays my family and I are off to the wide, brown land of the Flinders Ranges for some camping, walking and bush yoga.  I am really looking forward to taking in some expansive views and being off line!

I hope you all have a happy and healthy September break.  Keep well and practice, practice, practice.  See you all in the week starting October 16.